Online Booking
An optional tool, turn on booking and let pupils book lessons directly into your diary based on your strict availability, location, and working hours.
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As optional feature, that you need to turn on. Existing pupil can book a time slot directly into your diary and your diary remains hidden.
- Built to cater for virtually all scenarios of diary management
- Designed to maximise your time with minimal hassle
- Ensure your time is spent teaching
- Online booking setup takes 10 minutes
Yes, you can restrict booking to pre-determined lesson slots, stopping pupils from booking lessons at a time I don’t want. If you set your lesson length to 90 minutes and a travel time of 10 minutes, a 9:00 start time and 18:30 finish time with a 1-hour lunch break at 12:30, the available slots for pupils to book would start at, 09:00, 10:40, 13:30, 15:10, 16:50.
Yes. If you wish you can restrict the booking of lessons to just one day of you wish. So you may want to open up Mondays & Fridays for online bookings for example but not allow online bookings to be made for Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays
Yes. You can choose which hours of each day you want to allow booking to be made and also add in a break time to stop lessons being booked. For example, you may only want to open up morning lessons for online bookings and restrict afternoons so pupils have to call you to book
Yes. If pupils have enough existing credit on their profile (perhaps they have bought a block of 10 hours) they can use this credit instead of having to enter their payment details during the booking process.
Yes. If you offer both manual and automatic lessons, you can either restrict one day for only automatic bookings or you can offer one type in the morning and another in the afternoon giving you time in your designated break to return to change vehicles.
Yes, you can choose the travel time between lessons
Yes, you can specify different rates by area, lesson type and pupil type. If you add personal rates to a pupil profile these rates will override the standard rates that you enter in the settings